Thursday, August 20, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009


Friday, July 3, 2009

《我的城市! 二○○九》 北京建築師將到澳門開辦 “都市全景”工作坊

在2005 年的 9 月伯德孟(Bert de Muynck)乘火車抵達北京, 而及莫妮卡.卡瑞蘇Carrico則是乘飛機, 誰也沒想到這次旅程改變了這兩位建築師的人生。 他們兩位參加了一個為期十天的會議, 參加這個在 “西伯利亞進行式”火車上舉行的會議的與會者包括了學者,藝術家和研究人員, 約四十人. 然後, 他們遊覽了北京、上海、 深圳和珠江三角洲。

在旅程後, 他們表達了對這些地區建設的看法: “這裡興建建築物的速度對我們來說簡直是匪夷所思, 也是我們從來沒有經歷過的。 當然, 這裡發生的一切對我們產生了無比的吸引力, 吸引我們參與其中。”

在他們回到阿姆斯特丹的九月後, 在 2006 年 7 月他們決定移師北京工作和生活, 在中國的首都展開他們生命新的樂章。 在新的環境當中, 他們嘗試找到中國中生活或跳出中國生活的一個平衡點。

伯德孟和莫妮卡.卡瑞蘇構思和製作了一個名為 “移動城市”的計劃。 在這個星期他們會把這個項目帶到澳門, 活動將澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋內舉行。 整個活動名的為《我的城市》, 由+853文化協會和仁慈堂婆仔屋合辦, 是本年度一項跨界別的文化盛事。 其中, 包括了上述兩位建築師特別為澳門設計的“城市全景”的工作坊, 工作坊為期三天, 由 7 月 3 日至 5日。

從兩位建築師的回顧, 我們得知“移動城市”的這個計劃是在 2007 年 4 月開始, 目的就是要向大眾展示在中國城市發展過程中新建築的建立和都市現況。 他們相信這種城市急速轉變的現象需要大家的關心 研究和討論。 “移動城市”的目的是去測試在新都市時代, 新建築的落成和城市的不斷發展, 是否讓該城市更富創造力和批判性, 同時, 這個城市是否變得更有活力和生命力。 “移動城市”項目負責人透過刊物、 採訪、 計劃設計、 工作坊和其他研究來完成相關的調查。
這個項目在這幾年已在很多不同地方進行過, 例如: 以色列、 比利時、 瑞典和印尼。在每一個城市進行計劃時, 他們都嘗試在國際間對城市的認知和本土的自我意識之間找取平衡點。 這次, 本地的城市規劃師和建築師蘇偉圖被邀參與負責組織這個在澳門舉辦的“都市全景”工作坊。
關於“城市全景”工作坊,伯德孟和莫妮卡.卡瑞蘇強調首先必需進行一個以實踐為主的調查, 通過在澳門漫步、 交談、 觀察、 深入了解, 從而顯示出澳門這個城市的不同角度。 所以, 他們決定和參與者一齊到城市的各個制高點, 例如不同建築物的天台或觀光景點上作出研究, 這些平時大家很少到地方去觀察自己身在的城市, 考察並記錄澳門的城市特徵。
工作坊的第二天,, 參加者將一起討論, 並把研調成果在加以分析及整理後,製作錄像作品, 將在第二日晚上八時十五分起在婆仔屋的會議室公開展覽讓社會大眾能分享他們的經驗和感受。 這個名為 “鳥瞰都市”的大型錄像展將於7 月 4 日晚上8時 30 分在澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋舉行, 除了錄像作品, 在來自各地和音樂家和唱片騎師在此獻藝, 讓一幕幕澳門風情畫與前衛的電子音樂結合串連,以把當晚節目推上高潮, 同時透過實地錄像、城市音景組曲、透聲幕等視聽元素令大家對自己的城市有更角度的了解。
最後一天, 即7月5日, 三位帶領工作坊的建築師,, 下午四時將回到婆仔屋會議室主持圓桌會議,與擁有豐富城市管治與設計經驗的業界人士一起討論澳門的城市規劃,並歡迎公眾人士參與討論。 如需要查詢更多詳細資料, 可登上以下網址:。 該活動獲澳門特別行政區文化局及澳門歐洲研究協會支持。

TIMC 09 | Arquitectos Mónica Carriço e Bert de Muynck
em Macau para workshop URBAN PANORAMA

Bert de Muynck chegou a Pequim de comboio, Mónica Carriço de avião. Era Setembro, foi em 2005, e a viagem acabaria por mudar a vida destes dois arquitectos. Depois de dez dias a participar numa conferência a bordo do Trans-Siberiano, juntamente com mais 40 académicos, artistas e investigadores, Bert de Munynck juntou-se a Mónica Carriço para descobrirem Pequim, Xangai, Shenzhen e o Delta do Rio das Pérolas.

“Rapidamente percebemos que aqui a arquitectura estava a desenvolver-se com uma enorme rapidez e a uma escala que nunca tínhamos experienciado. Era difícil resistir à atracção de ver isto como um contexto no qual gostaríamos de participar”, explicam.

Regressaram a Amesterdão, onde estavam a viver, mas rapidamente começaram a planear a mudança para Pequim. Nove meses mais tarde, em Julho de 2006, os arquitectos aterraram na capital chinesa, desta vez para ficarem. “Desde então que tentamos encontrar um equilíbrio no trabalho que fazemos dentro e fora da China.”

Bert de Muynck e Mónica Carriço são os responsáveis pelo Moving Cities, um projecto que trazem a Macau esta semana – desenvolvido no workshop URBAN PANORAMA, organizado pela Associação Cultural +853, com a co-organização do Albergue SCM Creative Lab, e que se realiza nos próximos dias 3, 4 e 5, no âmbito do evento This Is My City 09 (TIMC 09).

“Decidimos criar o Moving Cities em Abril de 2007 com o objectivo de participarmos na nova realidade arquitectónica e urbana que víamos a aparecer na China. Acreditamos que este novo contexto urbano precisa de uma forma diferente de pesquisa e discurso do que aquele a que estamos habituados em cidades mais ‘lentas’ como as europeias”, afirmam.

O Moving Cities tem como modus operandi a cooperação com redes que trabalham em condições semelhantes. “Pretende-se testar as capacidades criativas e críticas de uma nova era urbana e perceber a relação entre os projectos arquitectónicos e o desenvolvimento e crescimento das cidades”, dois aspectos que, sublinham os arquitectos, “parecem ter diferentes interesses”. Esta realidade é abordada por Bert de Muynck e Mónica Carriço através de publicações, entrevistas, workshops e outro tipo de pesquisas.

Os arquitectos têm desenvolvido o seu trabalho em locais tão diferentes como Israel, Bélgica, Suécia e Indonésia. “Em cada projecto tentamos encontrar um equilíbrio entre aquilo que é o conhecimento internacional sobre uma cidade e o know-how específico local.” Em Macau, a contextualização local está a cargo de Nuno Soares, arquitecto urbanista que se junta ao Moving Cities para o workshop que tem início na próxima sexta-feira.

Sobre o URBAN PANORAMA, Mónica Carriço e Bert de Muynck dizem considerar muito importante o trabalho de campo – andar, debater, observar, perceber e mostrar diferentes perspectivas. “É por isso que no primeiro dia do workshop vamos subir a vários terraços e pontos elevados da cidade. Na maioria, são locais onde os habitantes não vão com regularidade.”

No segundo dia de workshop, dia 4, os participantes vão analisar e tratar o material recolhido, de modo a que “a experiência possa ser partilhada com a comunidade”. A exposição URBAN PANORAMA é inaugurada ao início da noite de sábado, pelas 20h30, na sala de conferências do Albergue, no Bairro de São Lázaro. As imagens recolhidas durante o ateliê serão projectadas durante a performance do músico DEAD J e do VJ Xiao Chen Xiongwei, que vêm de Pequim e actuam no Albergue também no sábado à noite.

Com a realização do workshop, os arquitectos Carriço e de Muynck esperam “poder contribuir para o debate do desenvolvimento de Macau”, algo que será feito não só com os participantes do URBAN PANORAMA mas também com todos aqueles que se queiram juntar à mesa-redonda agendada para o próximo domingo, com início às 16h, na sala de conferências do Albergue.

A equipa do Moving Cities irá dando conta do desenvolvimento do projecto inserido no TIMC 09 em
Mais informações sobre o This Is My City 09 podem ser obtidas em

TIMC 09: Architects Mónica Carriço and Bert de Muynck come from Beijing to Macau for URBAN PANORAMA workshop

Bert de Muynck arrived in Beijing by train, Mónica Carriço by plane. It was September 2005, and the journey would change the life of these two architects. After participated in a ten-day conference on the TransSiberian train, along with 40 academics, artists and researchers, Bert de Muynck met Mónica Carriço and travelled in China visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta.

“It soon became clear to us that architecture here was indeed accelerating at tremendous speed and on a scale we never had experienced before. It was hard to resist the attraction and to see this as a context with which we wished to engage with,” they explained.

They went back to Amsterdam, where they used to live, and decided to make plans to move and work in Beijing. Nine months later, in July 2006, the architects arrived back in Beijing, this time to live. “Since then we try to find a balance between working in China and outside of it.”

Bert de Muynck and Mónica Carriço are in charge of Moving Cities, a project that they are bringing to Macau this week – it will be developed in the workshop URBAN PANORAMA, organized by the Cultural Association +853 and co-organized by Albergue SCM Creative Lab. The workshop will be held from July 3 to 5, as part of the event This Is My City 09 (TIMC 09).

“We decided in April 2007 to establish MovingCities with the objective of engaging with the new architectural and urban reality we saw unfolding in China. We believe that this urban context needs a different form of commitment, research and discourse - than the one we are normally used to in "slower" or more fossilized cities in Europe,” the architects said.

MovingCities is based on an experimental type of modus operandi with different networks that work within similar conditions. “The objective is to test the creative and critical potential of a new urban era and to understand the relation between architectural projects and development and the growth and dynamism of cities. These two, to us, seem to have different interest.” The approach to this reality is done through publication, interviews, projects, workshops and other researches.

The architects have been working in the recent years in places so different as Israel, Belgium, Sweden and Indonesia. “In each project we try to find a balance between the international knowledge of and about a city and the local specific know-how.” In Macau, the architect Nuno Soares will be the one responsible by the local contextualization of the workshop that begins next Friday.

About the URBAN PANORAMA workshop, Mónica Carriço and Bert de Muynck emphasize that is very important to conduct empirical research - walking, talking, seeing, understanding and showing different perspectives on it. “That is the reason why on the first day we will conduct a research on the city from several rooftops; these are locations that inhabitants of Macau seldom have access to.”

On the workshop’ second day, on July 4, the participants will move into analysis and production, “so to communicate our experience to a large community”. The opening of the URBAN PANORAMA exhibition will be on Saturday evening, at 20:30, at the conferences' room of Albergue, in São Lázaro Neighbourhood. The images obtained during the workshop will be manipulated during the performance of the musician DEAD J and VJ Xiao Chen Xiongwei, who are coming from Beijing to play in Albergue also on Saturday night.

With this workshop in Macau, the architects Carriço and de Muynck hope “to contribute to the debate on the development of Macau” – a discussion that will not only be held with the URBAN PANORAMA workshop, but also with all those that are welcomed to show up at a round-table scheduled for Sunday, at 16:00, at the Albergue conferences room.

The Moving Cities team will communicate the progress of the Macau project on their website -
For more details about This Is My City 09, please check

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tribute to KRAFTWERK by TIMC09


Music by KRAFTWERK_ radioactivity (THE MIX)


Urbanism, music and video from Macau, Hong Kong and Beijing
for a three days’ event

Albergue hosts This Is My City 2009

The Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericórdia will be holding on the next July 3 to 5, 2009, this year’s edition of the multidisciplinary event This Is My City (TIMC), which is an initiative from the Cultural Association +853, co-organized by Albergue and with the institutional support of the MSAR Cultural Institute and the Institute of European Studies of Macau.

The event, which has the aim of explore new ways of feeling the city, is divided in three moments: a workshop about urbanism, a round table to debate the questions to be raised throughout the workshop, and also a performance that will include music and video art.

Similarly to what happened last year, the main moments of TIMC will occur at Albergue, in São Lázaro Neighbourhood. And once again, artists and cultural agents from Macau and China will be together. The 2009 edition of TIMC will also count with the presence of an artist living in Hong Kong.

The Cultural Association +853 invited the project Moving Cities, based in Beijing, to coordinate the URBAN PANORAMA workshop, which will be held during the three days of the event. Conceived by the architects Mónica Carriço and Bert de Muynck, with the local assistance of the architect Nuno Soares, the URBAN PANORAMA explores Macau’s urban landscape by investigating the relation between the visual quality and the mental image of the city held by its citizens.

On the first day of the workshop, the participants will do a research about the characteristics of the city on Macau’s rooftops and sightseeing spots. The collected material will then be analyzed and prepared in order to create an exhibition, which will be inaugurated on July 4, at 20:30, in the conference room of Albergue.

On July 5, 16:00, also at the conference room of Albergue, there will be a round table that will seat together the architects who held the workshop and several individualities experienced in urban management and design. All those interested in the subject are welcomed in the debate. The URBAN PANORAMA workshop is for people who want hands-on experiment and experience of the urban reality and that have some design and analytical skills: students, architects, urban planners, designers, artists, photographers, film-makers, practitioners, writers and all interested in debating the city.

TIMC is an invitation to feel and enjoy the city. Therefore, on the evening of July 4 there is a performance in Albergue with artists from Macau, Hong Kong and Beijing, which is co-produced by 88/33 LINK, a cultural association from the Chinese capital.

The performance starts with the opening of the exhibition URBAN PANORAMA. Then, Cedric Maridet will present his work, focused on field recordings, soundscape compositions, audio-vision and the construction of altered sonorous spaces. The French artist, who is living in Hong Kong, will bring to TIMC09 his approach about the Philippine community living in HKSAR.

After that, DEAD J will show what is being done in China in the electronic sounds’ field. Coming from Beijing, DEAD J is considered as one of the most interesting artists in the Chinese electronic music scene. During his performance, Chen Xiongwei, a VJ also from the Chinese metropolis, will manipulate images produced by the participants on the workshop URBAN PANORAMA.




今 年《我的城市!!!》將藉三項活動,探索如何以新鮮角度體驗澳門的城市風情。其中為期兩日的工作坊將探討澳門的都市景觀,緊接的圓桌會議並會深入議論澳門 的城市議題。一如去年,《我的城市!!!》的重頭戲將在「瘋堂」的婆仔屋上演,來自澳門、香港及北京的藝術家與文化界人士將濟濟一堂,以音樂與錄像勾劃三 地都市風貌。

+853文化協會今年邀請到來自北京的智庫組織移動城市(moving cities)舉辦一連三日的「城市全景」工作坊(URBAN PANORAMA),來自北京的建築師伯德孟(Bert de Muynck)及莫妮卡.卡瑞蘇(Mónica Carriço)將聯同澳門建築師Nuno Soares,帶領工作坊學員探討澳門人心目中的都市形象與視覺質素之間的聯繫,從而探索澳門的城市景觀。

參與工作坊的學員第一日將登上 不同建築物的天台與觀光景點,考察並記錄澳門的城市特徵,學員的研調成果在加以分析及整理後,將在第二日晚上八時十五分起在婆仔屋的會議室公開展覽。三位 帶領工作坊的建築師,在第三日下午四時將回到婆仔屋會議室主持圓桌會議,與擁有豐富城市管治與設計經驗的業界人士一起討論澳門的城市規劃,並歡迎公眾人士 參與討論。

「城市全景」工作坊歡迎所有曾經親身體會都市現實生活、並具備基本設計與分析能力的公眾人士參與,無論是學生、建築師、城市規 劃師、設計師、藝術家、攝影師、錄像製作人、作家或其他有興趣議論本澳城市命題的市民,都歡迎登上網站http: //thisismycity853.blogspot.com以了解參加「城市全景」工作坊的詳情。

《我的城市!!!》邀請所有人感受 再享受澳門--正因如此,婆仔屋七月四日晚上將會匯聚北京、香港和澳門的藝術家,出席由北京文化組織88/33 LINK統籌的藝術表演。當晚節目將由「城市全景」展覽的開幕禮拉開序幕,緊接將放映由居港法籍藝術家Cedric maridet創作的錄像作品,透過實地錄音、城市音景組曲、透聲幕等視聽元素,展現在香港的菲律賓群體的生活寫照。

錄像放映後,來自北 京的DEAD J (邵彦棚)將表演具獨特個人風格的電子音樂,他被視為中國電子音樂界中最令人感興趣的人物,觀眾藉演出能一窺內地樂壇多元前衛的一面。音樂之中,同樣來自 北京的視覺藝術家陳偉雄更會運用來自「城市全景」工作坊的圖片,讓一幕幕澳門風情畫與前銳的電子音樂結合串連,以把當晚節目推上高潮。

Urbanismo, música e vídeo de Macau, Hong Kong e Pequim em três dias de evento

Albergue acolhe This Is My City 2009

Realiza-se entre os dias 3 e 5 de Julho a edição de 2009 do This Is My City (TIMC), um evento multidisciplinar da Associação Cultural +853, com a co-organização do Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericórdia e o apoio institucional do Instituto Cultural e do Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau.

A iniciativa, que tem como grande objectivo explorar novas formas de descobrir a cidade, conta este ano com três componentes: um workshop sobre urbanismo, uma mesa-redonda durante a qual se discutirão questões exploradas durante os dois dias do ateliê, e um espectáculo de música e de vídeoarte.

À semelhança do que aconteceu em 2008, os principais momentos do TIMC acontecem no Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericórdia, no Bairro de São Lázaro. E, tal como no ano passado, voltam a encontrar-se, no mesmo espaço, artistas e intervenientes culturais da China e de Macau. O TIMC de 2009 conta também com a participação de um artista de Hong Kong.

Para o TIMC 2009, a +853 convidou o projecto Moving Cities, sedeado em Pequim, para a coordenação do workshop URBAN PANORAMA, que decorrerá ao longo dos três dias do evento. Concebido pelos arquitectos Mónica Carriço e Bert de Muynck, com a colaboração local do arquitecto Nuno Soares, o URBAN PANORAMA é um desafio à exploração da paisagem urbana através da relação entre a qualidade visual e a imagem mental que os residentes têm da sua cidade.

Ao longo do primeiro dia do URBAN PANORAMA, os participantes vão fazer uma pesquisa sobre as características da cidade subindo a pontos elevados – miradouros e terraços de edifícios. O trabalho recolhido será depois tratado e analisado, dando origem a uma exposição, com inauguração agendada para dia 4 de Julho, sábado, pelas 20h30, na sala de conferências do Albergue SCM.

No dia 5 de Julho, às 16h, também na sala de conferências do Albergue, haverá uma mesa-redonda entre os mentores do projecto e diversas individualidades com experiência e intervenção em urbanismo e gestão das cidades. O debate é aberto a todos os interessados. Já o URBAN PANORAMA destina-se a pessoas com formação e interesse nas áreas do urbanismo, arquitectura, artes plásticas, vídeo, fotografia, design e escrita.

Porque o TIMC é um convite à vivência conjunta da cidade, na noite do dia 4 de Julho há um espectáculo no Albergue, que junta artistas de Macau, Hong Kong e Pequim, e que conta com a co-produção da 88/33 LINK, uma associação cultural com sede na capital chinesa.

O espectáculo começa com a inauguração da exposição URBAN PANORAMA. Segue-se a arte visual de Cedric Maridet. Artista francês radicado em Hong Kong, Maridet explora a cidade através da recolha dos seus sons e sensações visuais. No TIMC09, apresenta um trabalho sobre a comunidade filipina na região vizinha.

A terminar a noite, o músico DEAD J mostra o que está a ser feito na China ao nível da exploração electrónica dos sons. Oriundo de Pequim, DEAD J é tido como um dos mais interessantes artistas no panorama actual da música electrónica na China. Durante a performance, o VJ Chen Xiongwei, também da capital chinesa, irá manipular imagens resultantes do workshop URBAN PANORAMA.


Macau Skyline Architectural Research

This is my City, this is my Skyline
by MovingCities
[Bert de Muynck+Mónica Carriço]
in collaboration with Nuno Soares

Workshop Main Objective

A two-day workshop explores Macau’s urban landscape by investigating the relation between the visual quality and the mental image of the city which is held by its citizens. Using strategies of experimental and empirical field research along Macau’s rooftops and sightseeing spots, a parcour will form the set-up for an intensified collaborative design workshop. By reading Macau “from within” its territory, landmarks and new building geographies will be identified, laying focus on three components of the city's skyline (character, structure, and
Through research and design this workshop’s main objective is to understand the potentialities of bringing new types of architectural approaches onto its territory, by reading and interpreting the current state and by projecting speculative designs, so to transform, strengthen and discuss its urban features. The expected outcome will be a “what if” scenario based on a series of optical transformations of Macau's skyline

Workshop Approach
Contrary to common belief, a city does not have one fixed and single skyline, as the urban environment is not a stable entity that can be solely understood from one viewpoint only. A myriad of perspectives determines its image.
By exploring Macau from a unique set of locations, from atop rooftops to other vista points, the workshop investigates what a series of skylines tell about Macau's urban complexion.
What can be read in its horizon, not from outside the city, but from within, and how does this shape the understanding of the city?
How do singled-out architectures dominate the view and act as point of references?
The analysis and effects of physical and perceptible architectural constructions are one of the foundations for city design. The workshop uncovers the role of form in the creation of the city's image. Investigating in research and design the shifting perception of architectural forms, the participants will bring their findings and speculation in relation with the future development of Macau.

Workshop Day Plan

First day - Friday, July 03, 2009 – PART 1 (09:30 – 20:00)

The first day of the workshop focuses on the visual quality of Macau. A tour along several rooftops, which aren't commonly accessible, will offer a multi-perspective view from which design parameters will be distilled. Eight elevated outlooks, in the different boroughs of Macau Island, will form the locations to engage with Macau’s complex urban landscape. Impressions will be registered in the form of photography, video, sounds and sketching.

Second day - Saturday, July 04, 2009 – PART 2 (10:00 – 18:00)

The second day of the workshop focuses on the analysis and design exercise.
Starting with a discussion amongst the participants about their experience, an initial analysis will be made by processing the collected material. The afternoon will be reserved to make a sharper reading and analysis of the state of affairs of Macau and to test a speculative architectural approach to the skyline, focusing on the relation between background and foreground, notions of singularity, form simplicity, dominance, directional differentiation, visual scope and meaning.
During the evening’s TIMC, Organization selected works (only) from the participants will be included in the Urban Panorama Workshop exhibition to be open.
Furthermore, the works will be also included in a live event, which will be handed over to Beijing sound-artist DEAD J and visual jockey Xiongwei, who will remix it in order to explore additional interactive skyline scenario's.

Third day – Sunday, July 05, 2009 – PART 3 (16:00 – 18:30)

The workshop will culminate on a third day encompassing a roundtable discussion with invited guests - including local architects, municipality actors, city-planners, artists - that are deeply intertwined with Macau’s future urban developments.
In this debate, formal dialogues amongst people that participate on the design of the city will be confronted and contrasted with the views and projections done by the workshop participants. The purpose is to trigger a creative debate about the contemporary image of Macau, based on uncovering future scenarios - stemming from empirical rooftop research and the new skyline scenarios developed during the workshop.
All attendees will be awarded a certificate of participation on this workshop officiated by +853 Cultural Association, Moving Cities and Albergue SCM.

Please click on the images to download the application form

Monday, June 15, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Venue


THIS IS MY CITY!!! Part 03
ALBERGUE (The Holly House of Mercy – MACAU)
30 MAY 2008

Main Performers:

Short Story Movies:

Sounds Beats and Groves:

Soft openings:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008